Southern Africa
19 cases
Assassinations in southern Africa were driven by organized crime-related motives, mainly due to taxi-related killings in South Africa, as well as enforcement activities and gang disputes. In cases where the identity of the victims was known, they belonged relatively evenly to the different target groups included in the Global Monitor database.
Main statistics
Local community
Number of cases over time
Featured countries in Southern Africa
distribution of cases by
target group
Local community is the category with the highest incidence of cases, accounting for 26% of them.
Political is the category with the highest incidence of cases, accounting for 47% of them.
Shot is the category with the highest incidence of cases, accounting for 79% of them.
Not reported is the category with the highest incidence of cases, accounting for 74% of them.
Male is the category with the highest incidence of cases, accounting for 68% of them.