Central America
115 cases
In Central America, organized crime-related motives were the main driver, particularly drug trafficking, extortion and gang disputes. Many victims belonged to the security sector, especially law enforcement. Compared to other American regions, law enforcement personnel in Central America were proportionally more frequently targeted.
Main statistics
Organized crime
Politics & governance
Number of cases over time
Featured countries in Central America
distribution of cases by
target group
Politics & governance is the category with the highest incidence of cases, accounting for 23% of them.
Organized crime is the category with the highest incidence of cases, accounting for 50% of them.
Shot is the category with the highest incidence of cases, accounting for 84% of them.
Not reported is the category with the highest incidence of cases, accounting for 79% of them.
Male is the category with the highest incidence of cases, accounting for 84% of them.